Healthy Thanksgiving Swaps

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Every year for Thanksgiving, our family has the same meal (and it’s not light in calories). But this year I am adding a few healthy dishes for our friends and family to enjoy.

Here is what I will be cooking (aside from the traditional turkey which I let my mother-in-law reign over):

Healthy butternut squash. I will roast these fall root veggies with a touch of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. I will add the roasted squash to my spinach salad with some fresh pomegranate seeds and toasted walnuts and a maple vinaigrette.

I love mashed potatoes but I love mashed cauliflower more! It’s easy and tasty! Here’s a healthy recipe. Click here to find out how to make it.

String beans and brussel sprouts are always on my table but usually they are loaded in butter (as Julia Child’s said “butter makes it better”). But, this year we are going heart healthy. Click here for brussel sprouts recipe (and feel free to add balsamic vinegar after cooked). And click here for a healthy string bean recipe.

What about dessert? We usually take a break from the meal and before dessert we often take a walk around the block (a great way to digest the meal). But, we do not skimp on dessert as everyone in my family usually wants the traditional pies with fresh whipped cream and cookies and ice cream. Luckily I am not tempted as I am not really a pie person and I usually just want a cup of hot tea and some sliced apple (did you know that apples are loaded with fiber and are great for your digestion) and that tastes just as good to me!

For more healthy ideas, contact me at