Is Over 50 Over the Hill?

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Just last week, Jane a 52 yr old female, went to her doctor for her yearly medical exam. She told her doctor this: “I want to feel better, have more energy and hopefully even add years to my life? I feel good, but not the same as I did when I was “younger”. Can you write me (or send an e-script to my pharmacy) for a daily pill”? The doctor answered her point blank- “the prescription is not a magic pill, it’s a daily dose of exercise”.

A funny thing happens on the way to 50 and beyond: Your body doesn’t respond to exercise as it did earlier in your life. Life takes hold and sometimes (more than we like to admit) fatigue takes over, your muscles and joints ache more and even injuries seem to happen with greater frequency.

This is not meant to depress anyone who is reading this. This is life. And unfortunately, it’s not your imagination. It happens to the best of us as a natural consequence of aging. It just means that we have to work a bit harder to stay healthy.

Believe it or not, regular exercise helps prevent or manage many health problems and concerns, including: Stroke, Metabolic syndrome, High blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, Depression, Anxiety, Many types of cancer, Arthritis and Falls. It can also help improve cognitive function.

Ok, so what’s the game plan? It’s not really as daunting as you may think. Infact, I bet you can even have some fun with this. I know how you love challenges, so take this opportunity of aging gracefully with pep and determination to be your best healthy self.

  1. STRETCH- I use to think this was a waste of time. But, now I know better (with age comes maturity!). Staying flexible becomes more important as you age. Stretch slowly to ensure you don’t pull something. Warming up before a workout increases circulation, raises your heart rate and body temperature, and prepares your muscles for exercise and increases joint range of motion.

  2. STRENGTH TRAINING- Sadly, muscular strength declines with age, BUT, the positive side is that strength training is key for maintaining strength and preventing muscle atrophy at 50-plus. Did you know that muscle burns more calories at rest than fat? Therefore, when you increase strength training you are also burning calories and you are increasing your muscle and bone strength which can help to prevent falls and fractures. Equally important is core strength and balance exercises. Pilates and certain kinds of yoga for working on balance and core strength at 50-plus, which will help support and protect your spine and may help prevent a future fall.

  3. EXERCISE IMPROVES MOOD- A gym session or brisk walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious.You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. And this is the success to it all, the magic pill that everyone wants.

For more information and healthy lifestyle coaching, contact me at