Be Better than Average!

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It use to bother me that I was tall (I rarely wore heels as I towered above any possible dates and buying jeans was difficult as they were always too short in the length). I grew up wanting desperately to be average, to blend in, not to stand out so much. It’s hard to be different, especially when you are a young teenager. But, I soon realized that that blending in wasn’t in the cards. It was nice to be able to see above everyone else at a parade. Not being average served me better! My husband loved my height, it didn’t bother him when I wore heels, and cropped jeans came into style!
Setting oneself apart from the rest is what makes a person anything but average. Here are a few ways to be above the rest of the pack.

  1. Self improvement is the most important aspect of rising above average. Analyze your strength and your weaknesses- this will give you a chance to work on your shortcomings and excel in the areas where you are good at. As you polish your strengths you will for sure shine out from the crowd.
  2. Read a book. My dad always read and he was the most brilliant man I ever knew. Reading a book adds to your knowledge and improves your vocabulary. Most of the successful people in the world are great book readers. I have read that Elon Musk and Bill Gates both read 500 pages every day.
  3. Take time for yourself! We all need to clear our mind off all the worldly distractions and focus on things and issues that genuinely matter. So, every day spare at least half an hour for yourself, where you can ponder over your thoughts, ideas, goals, and strengths. This will help self-improvement in the places you lack, it also helps you in thinking and coming up with better solutions for things.
  4. Set goals. Start small. Before you climb to the top of a mountain, you have to start climbing hills. Small goals are easy to keep and even easier to accomplish. They are short-term and don’t occupy too much space in your mind. For starters, you short term goals could get to sleep at 11 pm, maintain a healthy diet week, etc. These short term goals are highly useful and boost your self-improvement.
  5. Reward yourself for what you have done so far! Learn to appreciate yourself and for all the hard work you are doing to stand out! YOU deserve it. When you start seeing yourself as special and appreciate your efforts, only then will others see you for how above average you are!

Life is way too short to accept something that’s mediocre.