Whenever I am at the gym very often I hear people talking about the need to eat protein. Protein is naturally abundant in foods like meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, grains, seeds and legumes. When it comes to essential nutrients, protein is at the head of the class. Protein is a source of energy, and it can help repair damaged tissue, is essential for growth and plays a role in preventing infection and disease.
But, how much protein do you really need? For example, do we need to “supplement” (ie: a protein shake)? And will eating protein give us the body we are looking for?
Here it is in a nutshell: Protein is one of the most important nutrients for fat loss. Eating a high-protein diet can help raise your metabolism and reduce your appetite. Eating protein also helps curb your appetite by reducing levels of the hunger hormone while increasing levels of appetite-reducing hormones.
Protein is important for building muscle. In order to build muscle and strength, you need to consume more protein than your body breaks down naturally during your cardio workout or your weight lifting training session. But, what does that mean? Should we overload on protein before or after working out? Do we need to drink a protein shake to look good? Honestly, the “rules” are always changing so I believe that exercise and consuming sufficient protein are more important than the timing of your protein intake. Meals with protein (vegetable or animal sources) are your best bet. Protein shakes are fine but not needed unless you like it. I like a shake when I don’t have time to make a meal. There are various types of protein powders which you can buy, ranging from whey, cassien, soy, pea, rice and hemp. There is not one type of shake mix that is best (for me I like vanilla whey protein, it’s a personal choice in terms of figuring out what works for your body and your taste buds).
Protein is an incredibly versatile nutrient. I suggest that you consume protein in your everyday routine which will help you to reach and maintain your health and fitness goals.