What’s the deal with almonds? I see almonds everywhere either in milk, in energy bars, mixed into biscotti or by themselves in individual snack packs! Well, what I didn’t know was that almonds are the world’s most popular tree nut! Yep, they are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
But not all almonds are created equal! The powerful antioxidants in almonds are largely concentrated in the brown layer of the skin. For this reason, blanched almonds — those with skin removed — are not the best choice from a health perspective. As well, you should not be fooled into eating the almonds that are coated with sugar and spices- they are nothing but candy and lose all health benefits.
Almonds are also great for lowering cholesterol. Eating one or two handfuls of almonds per day can lead to mild reductions in “bad” LDL cholesterol, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.
Almonds are also low in carbs and high in protein and fiber. Both protein and fiber are known to increase feelings of fullness. This can help you eat fewer calories. Additionally, evidence suggests that eating nuts can boost metabolism slightly. Due to their satiating properties, nuts are a great addition to an effective weight loss diet. But, just be careful not to eat too many nuts!
All in all, the health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss. All things considered, almonds are as close to perfect as a food can get.