I hate the feeling of bloat. Honestly, who likes to feel gassy, puffy and plain ol miserable? Abdominal bloating (sometimes described as feeling too full) affects us all at some point in time. You can blame it on your period, on overeating, being constipated, or dining on gas-producing foods.
But, there are some foods that can help you de-bloat.
1. Kiwi-This little green fruit contains enzymes that help break down protein, so it moves more easily through your system. In one recent, very small study, participants who had several meals of steak and kiwi had significantly less bloating than those who had the steak meals with no kiwi.
2. Banana- Women who ate a banana a day reported less bloating than those who only had a banana-flavored drink or plain water. That's not surprising: Bananas are high in potassium, which helps balance sodium and prevent the water retention that can come from eating salty foods. And a banana's fiber can help ease constipation, and the more you poop, the less you puff up. Plus, bananas (especially greener ones) are high in resistant starch, a kind of carb that helps maintain healthy gut bacteria.
3. Papaya- A few fresh slices after a big meal may help ward off a bloated belly. That's because papayas have papain, another enzyme that breaks down protein in your digestive tract. The tropical fruit also fights inflammation, just what a bulging belly needs.
4. Ginger- You probably already know ginger is a great natural remedy for motion sickness, nausea and many other ailments. Turns out this natural stomach soother can help bloating, too. Studies show it reduces swelling and stimulates the digestive muscles, making it easier for food to pass through. Try it brewed in hot tea, or add a little grated fresh ginger to a smoothie.
5. Peppermint- This popular herb can increase the liver's bile production, helping your body digest fatty foods so they can move through the stomach more quickly. A soothing cup of peppermint tea can also relax your digestive muscles, allowing trapped gas to pass.
6. Yogurt- Yogurt's probiotics (good bacteria) help your gut digest and absorb food, so there's less gas and bloating. Go for plain yogurt with active cultures, and sweeten it with a little fruit.
7. Water-You may think water will make you more bloated, but drink up. You'll be getting the hydration your body needs to digest food, flush out excess sodium—and, if you're constipated, help you go.
Luckily bloating is harmless and by eating the right foods and drinking plenty of water you will feel good!