Someone once told me that the older I get the faster the time goes. I feel like I am on a super fast merry-go-round and can’t slow it down. My kids are both taller than me (and I am a tall woman) and the ray of the morning light quickly turns to dusk and I can’t figure out where the day has gone. I blinked and 2018 is a month away! This realization makes me pause for a moment as I think about how we can all live healthier in the coming year.
This morning as I was running around my apartment checking off the “to-do” list, my husband was calmly reading the paper. It was thanks to this moment that I paused and settled to read the paper. The New York Times just published “9 Ways to Live Healthier in 2018”. It is a good read and the ways to live healthier are pretty easy and straightforward. I urge you to take a few minutes today to read this. I for one will take time to slow down and breathe and while my husband (and mother) might not like this, I may bike in NYC to do some errands (the article suggests this! And of course I will wear a helmet!). How will you get healthier in the coming year? Start thinking about it. It’s sooner than you think!