Check the Expiration Date!

Ever wonder what the expiration date on the grocery item you buy means? This has always confused me. How do we know if it should be consumed after the date it's stamped? When in doubt, I say, throw it out. I believe that a clean and organized fridge allows one to make healthier eating choices. I admit, this takes some effort to go through my pantry and cupboards and fridge and so I set aside enough time to do a thorough job. I usually do this in September, at the start of the school year as I restock my home with healthy kids snacks (and yes, not so healthy ones too!).
This week as I started to toss out the old and make room for the new, I started to think about my relationships with my family and friends (funny how my mind works, I do my best thinking either while in the shower or cleaning my home- must be the quiet alone time that affords my mind the space to think clearly). My mom just celebrated her 77th bday (please mom, don’t be mad that I put your age down here for all the world to see! I am sure you are really quite proud of that number!)  and I am so lucky to have her as my mom and as my best friend. We giggle together, hold hands together, cry together and at times are scared shitless together! How very lucky we are have each other. Not everyone has what we have. Relationships could “expire” if you let them; they take work to keep them alive. Like the date on your item in your pantry or fridge, you have to pay attention to your relationship. I believe the recipe to a great relaionship is the time and effort that you both attend to it. It hasn’t always been easy being her daughter because she is one tough act to follow. But, some time ago, I realized that I didn’t have to follow her as she had given me the tools to stand on my own and to walk tall right beside her. She passed on to me a confidence that has allowed me to find my own voice and have my own story. Ok, my mom and I are very much alike in the way we tell the story. There is a point, I just digressed! Humor me and read on-
 SO, I was talking about the date stamped on the foods: many foods can remain good to eat long after the sell-by dates stamped on the label — as long as they are not opened. Here are some surprising recommendations about some refrigerated perishables:

Milk.  You can can keep for about one week after the “sell by” date, assuming it has been continuously refrigerated.
Yogurt. I use to think that it lasted indefinitely. But, I was wrong.  Keep no longer than a week in the fridge.
Mayonnaise. Once open, even if the “use by” date is months away, use it within two months.
Deli meats. Consumed within three days for maximum taste and freshness.
Cheese. Soft cheeses like Brie will last only a week once opened while hard cheeses like cheddar and Parmesan can last up to two months. Cheese ages best when it’s part of a big, airtight wheel. Once cut, it is exposed to oxygen and from that moment on, cheese loses moisture, especially in your fridge. Buy smaller quantities, and for the best storage, use specially made cheese wrapping paper instead of plastic (I learned this from my sister-in-law who lives in France).
Salsa. An open jar of salsa keeps only for a month or so. Best to get out the healthy chips or cut veggies and start snacking.
Tomato sauce. An open jar of tomato sauce only lasts five days. Don’t wait for the mold to form.
Eggs. Eggs can last a good five weeks beyond the stamped date.
So, is it time to look in your kitchen and see what has gone sour, grown mold or spoiled? And what about your relationships? Maybe it’s time to take stock in the people who are important to you and let them know how you feel about them. For better or for worse, life is precious and you want to make each moment count.