Junk Food Junkies?

Will I turn my kids into “junk food junkies” if I give them junk food? Growing up I lived off of fast food burgers and fries, oreo cookies and hostess cupcakes. I also ate plenty of home cooked meals and baked treats that were made with real fresh ingredients. Since I don’t believe in accidents, the fact that I grew up to become a nutritionist was meant to be. I work with children, teens and adults to teach them how to eat and live a healthy sustainable lifestyle. But does eating healthy mean totally avoiding junk food? I have a slight dilemma.  
Not too long ago, a study came out saying that oreos are addictive. The study said that the ingredients in the cookies stimulated the pleasure center in the brain the same way drugs do. But, does this mean that our children will become hooked on junk food or junk food addicts? I am not sure. I honestly struggle with letting my kids eat Frosted Flakes and Captn’ Crunch for breakfast or a McDonalds meal for lunch or mini snickers bars for pre-dinner snack. I know it’s not good for them. I know that when they eat this “junk” they are putting awful chemicals into their growing bodies and I am sure that somewhere down the road this may have some negative effects on their well being. I confess, in the summer I go to the grocery store and buy these items for their pleasure along with fresh fruits and vegetables. But when I buy the “crap” I feel like a hypocrite. And yet they are kids and kids want junk. I have seen first hand the child or adult who comes to my house and stuffs their pockets with candy from my pantry or inhales cookies and cakes mainly because it is not available in their homes and is “forbidden”. And so I try to teach my kids to balance their daily meals. Very often they go days without junk. I think that they ultimately know how much better they feel when they eat “real” food.
I think I am making the right decision for my family but I do struggle with this. Everyone is different and everyone has a different set of circumstances. I am wondering what would you do? Would you let your kids eat junk even though you know it’s addicting and not good for them? Feel free to email me at rachel@livehealthynyc.com